How to set up an A/B test

Master the steps to correctly implement an A/B test on an e-commerce website.

Learn to monitor tests ensuring data integrity and avoiding common pitfalls.

Understand when to stop a test and how external factors can influence results.

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A/B testing

Gauge the performance of two variants in your campaign to optimise user response.

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Most important about

A/B testing

Compares two versions to determine the better performer.

Essential for optimising web pages and marketing strategies.

Relies on statistical analysis to validate results.

What is A/B Testing?

Imagine you're trying to decide on the best outfit for a big event. You try on two different dresses and ask a group of friends which one they prefer. Based on their feedback, you make your choice. A/B testing is a bit like that, but for your digital content. It's the process of comparing two versions of a webpage, email, or other content to see which one performs better.

Why is A/B Testing Important?

In the digital world, small changes can make a big difference. Maybe it's a different call-to-action, a new image, or a tweaked headline. A/B testing allows you to make informed decisions based on actual data and user behaviour, ensuring you're always putting your best foot forward.

How Do I Use A/B Testing?

Start by identifying what you want to test—maybe it's a landing page design or an email subject line. Create two versions (A and B) with one key difference between them. Then, split your audience and show each group one of the versions. Measure the results, like click-through rates or conversion rates, to determine which version is more effective.

In a Nutshell...

A/B testing is all about refining and optimising. It's a methodical approach to improving your digital content, ensuring you're making choices based on real-world feedback and data. By continually testing and iterating, you can enhance user experience and boost your overall performance.


Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about this concept.

Ewoud's Growth Hacking sessions were invaluable, providing inspiration and practical tools that kickstarted my career. The tips were highly applicable to my job as a Growth Hacker. Even years later, I still consult Ewoud on this topic. I really enjoy working with him.

Joël Monté
Joël Monté
Growth Markteer
What is A/B testing and how can it improve conversion rates?
How do you determine the sample size for an A/B test?
What metrics should be monitored during an A/B test?
How long should an A/B test run to yield statistically significant results?