Introduction to the Goal Tree

Understand the concept and structure of the Goal Tree and its application in business growth.

Learn how the Goal Tree integrates various unit economics to drive strategic decisions.

Master the use of Google Analytics to extract relevant data for each segment of the Goal Tree.

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Learn to convert an interested party into an active user through effective engagement strategies.

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Focuses on converting new users into active ones.

Critical for improving user engagement and retention.

Involves personalised communication and onboarding.

What is Activation?

Imagine you've just downloaded a new app. You open it, set up your profile, and start exploring its features. That initial engagement and the steps you take to start using the app are what we call 'activation'. In the digital world, activation refers to the moment a user first derives value from a product or service, indicating they're on the path to becoming a regular user.

Why is Activation Important?

Activation is a critical early step in a user's journey. It's the bridge between initial interest and long-term usage. Ensuring users have a smooth and valuable activation experience can significantly increase the chances of them sticking around and becoming loyal customers.

Activation plays a pivotal role for several reasons:

  1. User Retention: Users who experience the value of a product early on are more likely to stick around.
  2. Revenue Growth: Activated users are more likely to become paying customers and promote your product to others.
  3. Feedback Loop: Engaged users provide valuable feedback, helping you refine and improve the product.
  4. Reduced Churn: Ensuring users activate and see the product's value can reduce the number who sign up and then quickly leave.

How Do I Improve Activation Rates?

  1. Onboarding: Create an intuitive and engaging onboarding process that guides users to key features.
  2. Highlight Value: Clearly showcase the core benefits of your product early in the user journey.
  3. Support and Guidance: Offer tutorials, FAQs, and customer support to assist users.
  4. Feedback: Regularly collect and act on user feedback to enhance the activation experience.

How Do I Focus on Activation?

Start by identifying the core value your product offers and ensure that new users experience that value as quickly as possible. This might involve streamlining the onboarding process, offering tutorials, or highlighting key features. Monitoring activation rates and gathering feedback can help refine the process, ensuring users transition from curious newcomers to engaged users.

In a Nutshell...

Activation is all about that pivotal moment when users truly start their journey with your product. It's the first taste of the value you offer, setting the tone for their entire experience. By optimising the activation process, you lay the foundation for long-term user engagement and loyalty.


Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about this concept.

Very good training, gained many new detailed insights, and Ewoud is extremely helpful in answering all the questions posed.

Timon Tlomaczewski
Timon Tlomaczewski
The Talent Institute
Digital Designer
What does 'activation' mean in a marketing context?
How can you measure the success of customer activation strategies?
What are common tactics to improve user activation rates?
How does user activation impact customer lifetime value?