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Encourages flexible responses to changes.

Emphasises teamwork, customer feedback, and iterative development.

Suitable for managing complex projects and improving efficiency.

Agile methodology, the very concept that introduced us to 'sprints,' is a term that has undoubtedly crossed your path, especially if you're in the realm of marketing or development. You may already be applying aspects of Agile in your marketing strategies, perhaps even unconsciously. Agile is about embracing iterations and making incremental changes, which is crucial in areas like growth marketing and achieving product-market fit.

How does Agile work?

Agile brings the entire team together to work in sprints. This collaborative approach ensures that if each sprint is approved by the stakeholders, the final outcome will be successful. Imagine building a car; instead of presenting a finished product after a year, which may not meet expectations, Agile methodology involves inviting the buyer to the workshop every week. This enables them to see the progress, suggest adjustments, and ensure the final product aligns with their expectations.

Stand-ups: the building blocks of Agile

Stand-ups are a fundamental aspect of Agile, where team members briefly discuss their daily tasks. These daily contributions accumulate into a two-week sprint, ultimately leading to the creation of a product. This approach is particularly effective for website development and digital funnels.

Agile in marketing and copywriting

Agile can transform how you approach tasks like writing copy for an e-book. Instead of writing the entire book and then seeking feedback, Agile encourages sharing and refining chapter by chapter, ensuring the content resonates with the intended audience.

Applying Agile in marketing agencies

In my own experience with marketing agencies, implementing Agile through sprints with clients helps set clear expectations and boundaries for each project phase. Whether it's a newsletter, a campaign, or a Google Ads campaign, breaking down tasks into sprints facilitates testing and learning, which is invaluable.

The phases of Agile applied marketing

  1. Plan and Execute: Estimate the workload for each sprint, focusing on a specific goal. For instance, if you're building marketing automation, start with just the welcome series.
  2. Collaborate and Communicate: Emphasise transparency and adaptability. Tools like Figma allow clients to view progress in real time, fostering an open working environment.
  3. Launch and Learn: Agile encourages launching quickly and using data and feedback for continuous improvement, a key element in conversion optimisation.
  4. Flexibility: Agile is about adapting based on performance metrics and shifting focus as new insights, such as a more effective target audience, emerge.

Agile methodology in marketing is about embracing the present and swiftly moving towards strategies that show promise. It's a dynamic, collaborative, and responsive way of working that can revolutionise your approach to projects and campaigns. Agile isn't just a methodology; it's a mindset that empowers teams to work more effectively, adapt quickly, and deliver results that truly meet client needs and market demands.


Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about this concept.

Ewoud has helped me well in identifying the biggest challenges of my business. By listening carefully and asking the right questions, I realized that the biggest 'problems' I thought were hindering growth are not the issue.

Max Savonije
Max Savonije
What is a marketing sprint in agile methodology?
How do I prioritise tasks in an agile marketing team?
How can agile methodology improve client relationships in marketing?
What are the key challenges in adopting agile in a traditional marketing team?