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Gmail Filters

Master email management by setting up filters to automatically organise your inbox.

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Gmail Filters

Automated rules in Gmail to manage incoming emails based on specified criteria.

Helps in organising inbox, reducing clutter, and prioritising important emails.

Can automatically label, archive, delete, or forward emails.

In today’s fast-paced digital marketing world, managing an overflowing inbox can be a daunting task. As marketers, we often find ourselves drowning in a sea of emails, from client queries to newsletter subscriptions. This is where Gmail filters come into play, offering a powerful yet often underutilised tool for streamlining email management and enabling automation. Let’s explore how Gmail filters can be effectively used in automations to enhance productivity and keep your inbox manageable.

What are Gmail filters?

Gmail filters are a feature within Google's email service that allows you to automatically sort, label, archive, or delete emails based on specific criteria that you set. These criteria can include elements like sender address, subject line keywords, and whether the email contains attachments.

The role of Gmail filters in automations

Automation in email management means setting up processes that automatically handle incoming emails in a certain way, saving you time and effort. Gmail filters are the cornerstone of such automations. They can help you organise your inbox by directing emails to specific folders, tagging them for follow-up, or even deleting unimportant messages outright.

Implementing Gmail filters for marketing efficiency

  1. Sorting client communications: Set filters to label emails from key clients or stakeholders. This ensures that important messages don’t get lost in your inbox and are easily accessible when needed.
  2. Managing subscriptions and newsletters: Use filters to direct newsletters and subscription emails to a specific folder. This way, they won’t clutter your primary inbox, but you can still access them when you have the time.
  3. Automating task assignment: If you work in a team, you can use filters to forward specific types of emails (like service requests or lead queries) to the relevant team members or a shared inbox, streamlining the task distribution process.
  4. Prioritising urgent emails: Create filters that highlight emails containing words like ‘urgent’ or ‘ASAP’ in the subject line, ensuring that these emails catch your attention immediately.

Step-by-step guide to setting up Gmail filters

  1. Identify your needs: Start by identifying the types of emails you receive and how you would like them to be managed.
  2. Create a new filter: In Gmail, click on the search bar at the top, then on the ‘Show search options’ icon on the right side. Enter your criteria for filtering (e.g., sender, subject, keywords).
  3. Choose an action: Once you've set your criteria, decide what action you want Gmail to take with these emails (e.g., label them, archive them, forward them).
  4. Test and adjust: After setting up a filter, monitor its performance and adjust as needed to ensure it's working as intended.


Gmail filters, when used effectively, can significantly automate your email management process, freeing up valuable time that can be better spent on strategic marketing activities. By streamlining the flow of information and ensuring important communications are promptly attended to, these filters not only enhance productivity but also contribute to better organisation and stress reduction.

As a marketer in the digital age, embracing such automation tools is not just a convenience; it’s a necessity to stay agile and responsive in an environment where communication is key. In my course Master your Workweek, I'll explain exactly how to set this up.


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Ewoud helped us find impactful retention funnel improvements with a framework suited to our business model. He challenged our approach with the right questions. Overall, Ewoud combines high-level strategic thinking with detailed campaign expertise.

Christoph van der Klaauw
Christoph van der Klaauw
How can I use Gmail filters to manage emails from different clients?
Is it possible to filter emails into different folders based on keywords in the subject line?
Can Gmail filters help in automatically forwarding certain emails to another email address?
What should I do if my Gmail filters are not working as intended?