User Interviews

Understand the importance and objectives of user interviews in gathering qualitative data.

Learn how to design and conduct effective user interviews.

Analyse and interpret interview data to extract meaningful insights.

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Research (Qualitative & Quantitative)

Combine data types to gain comprehensive insights into market trends and consumer behaviour.

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Research (Qualitative & Quantitative)

Qualitative research explores attitudes, behaviors, and experiences through methods like interviews or focus groups.

Quantitative research quantifies data and generalises results from a larger sample population.

Both types are crucial for gaining comprehensive insights into market trends, customer needs, and product feedback.

What is Research (Qualitative & Quantitative)?

Imagine you're trying to understand why people love a particular brand of chocolate. You could ask them directly about their feelings (qualitative) or you could gather data on how many chocolates are sold in comparison to others (quantitative). In essence, research is about gathering information, and it often falls into two main categories: qualitative (focused on understanding emotions, behaviours, and motivations) and quantitative (focused on gathering numerical data and statistics).

Why is Research Important?

Both types of research offer unique insights:

  1. Informed Decision Making: Research provides evidence and insights to guide business strategies and decisions.
  2. Understanding Customers: It helps businesses get into the minds of their customers, understanding their needs, preferences, and behaviours.
  3. Risk Reduction: By gathering data and insights, businesses can make more calculated moves, reducing the risk of costly mistakes.
  4. Trend Spotting: Research can help identify emerging trends or shifts in the market.

How Do I Conduct Research?

  1. Define Your Objective: Understand what you want to achieve. Is it about understanding customer feelings or gathering specific data?
  2. Choose Your Method: For qualitative research, methods might include interviews, focus groups, or observation. For quantitative, it could be surveys, experiments, or data analysis.
  3. Gather Data: Conduct your research, ensuring you remain unbiased and objective.
  4. Analyse and Interpret: For qualitative, this might mean identifying themes or patterns. For quantitative, it's about crunching numbers and drawing conclusions.

In a Nutshell...

Research is like a compass for businesses. Whether you're diving deep into personal experiences or swimming in a sea of numbers, it points you in the right direction. By blending both qualitative and quantitative methods, businesses can gain a holistic understanding of their market, customers, and potential opportunities.


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Super nice training to have tools for optimising your e-commerce and marketing. Good to have a fresh look at this process again and to come up with new ideas! I would like to do a deep dive with Ewoud again to dive even more specifically into our data.

Rafaella Heuvelmans
Rafaella Heuvelmans
Freelance Online Marketeer