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Course outline



Unlock the power of segmentation

Learn how to dissect your customer base into meaningful segments that reveal hidden opportunities for targeted engagement.

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Course Outline

What you'll learn in this course

All of the levels of the Solid Growth program consist of an online course to get everyone on the team on the same level, followed by a workshop to implement the theory together.

Introduction to segmentation

Learn the essentials of segmentation

Dive into the essentials of segmentation and discover how it can significantly increase customer lifetime value.

Introduction to segmentation

Understand the role of segmentation in maximising lifetime value.

Learn the basics of creating segments based on customer behaviour and value.

Explore the relationship between segmentation and lifetime value in e-commerce.

Practice identifying potential segments within anonymized customer data.

Segmentation analysis

Find the hidden gems in your client database

Acquire the skills to collect, clean, and analyse customer data effectively. Understand the critical metrics that inform segmentation.

Segmentation analysis

Learn how to collect and export customer data from various sources.

Understand key metrics and data points relevant for effective segmentation.

Develop skills in cleaning and preparing data for analysis.

Practice with real-world data sets to identify trends and groupings.

Building segments for LTV

Create personas based on LTV

Learn to identify and build customer segments that promise high lifetime value. Discover segmentation techniques based on purchasing patterns and frequency

Building segments for LTV

Discover methods to segment customers based on purchase behavior, frequency, and value.

Learn to identify high-value segments with potential for increased lifetime value.

Understand how to create actionable segments for targeted marketing efforts.

Practice segmenting an anonymised dataset and hypothesise strategies for each segment.

Applying segmentation

Applying precise segmentation

Explore how to apply detailed customer segmentation to email automation and ad campaigns

Applying segmentation

Learn how to leverage segments in email marketing.

Learn how to leverage segments in paid advertising.

Learn how to leverage segments for bundling & upsells

Learn how to leverage segments for reducing costs

Workshop about this level

Segmentation workshop

Creating segments for your business based on customer interviews or purchase data.

Discussing your segments

Creating custom segments

Segmentation strategy development

Creating segments together