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Stakeholder Management

Strategically manage the relationship with those invested in your project’s success.

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Stakeholder Management

The process of managing the expectation of individuals or groups that have an interest in a project or company.

Involves communication, engagement, and collaboration with stakeholders.

Key to successful project delivery and maintaining positive relationships.

What is Stakeholder Management?

Imagine you're planning a big family event. You've got your immediate family, distant relatives, friends, and maybe even neighbours to consider. Each person has their own interests, expectations, and concerns. Managing all these different people and ensuring the event goes off without a hitch is a bit like stakeholder management in the business world. It's all about identifying, understanding, and effectively engaging with individuals or groups who have an interest in a project or organisation.

Why is Stakeholder Management Important?

Effective stakeholder management is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Smooth Operations: By understanding and addressing stakeholder concerns, projects and operations are more likely to run smoothly.
  2. Risk Mitigation: Proactively managing stakeholder relationships can help identify and mitigate potential risks.
  3. Informed Decision Making: Stakeholders offer diverse perspectives, insights, and expertise that can guide decision-making.
  4. Building Trust: Regular engagement and transparent communication can foster trust and strengthen relationships.

How Do I Manage Stakeholders?

  1. Identify: Determine who your stakeholders are. This could include customers, employees, investors, suppliers, and more.
  2. Understand: Get to know their interests, concerns, influence, and expectations.
  3. Engage: Maintain regular communication. This could be through meetings, updates, or feedback sessions.
  4. Prioritise: Not all stakeholders have the same level of influence or interest. Determine which stakeholders are key players and ensure their concerns are addressed.

In a Nutshell...

Stakeholder management is like juggling. It's about keeping all the balls (or stakeholders) in the air, ensuring none are dropped. By proactively engaging, understanding, and addressing stakeholder needs and concerns, businesses can build stronger relationships, make better decisions, and achieve more successful outcomes.


Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about this concept.

It's great that we can use our own customers as examples live and that we can immediately apply the learning points in practice during the exercises. Excellent!

Erik Oosterom
Erik Oosterom
Tech & Data Specialist