
Manage leads and track sales opportunities effectively with Pipedrive, the CRM platform tailored for marketers.


Manage leads and track sales opportunities effectively with Pipedrive, the CRM platform tailored for marketers.

What I like about


Stands out as an all-in-one solution for efficient sales management

Offers a seamless and user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and understand.

Empowers sales teams with powerful automation features, saving time and maximising productivity

How Pipedrive Works

Pipedrive works by mapping out your sales processes in so-called pipelines. Users can utilise existing templates or create a completely personalised pipeline. This pipeline is then filled with various sales activities, such as meetings or email sending. Pipedrive keeps track of the results, and its extensive offering of features and integrations supports you in optimising your processes.

Uses of Pipedrive

Pipedrive's myriad features can be used for maintaining an overview during the closing of deals. Users can add the value of a deal and the expected closing date, amongst other data. Lead and client management is also improved with Pipedrive through the use of a special inbox, applicable forms for websites, and a chatbot.

The platform enhances email campaigns with an array of smart features, including a system for scheduling and automatic sending of emails. It can also provide more information on leads and estimate how 'warm' a lead is. Furthermore, Pipedrive can improve clarity in teamwork through shared documents that display goals and results.

Moreover, you can connect your account to integrations offered by Pipedrive, such as Asana or Slack, further enhancing the functionality and versatility of the platform.


In summary, Pipedrive offers a comprehensive, intuitive solution for managing and optimising your sales and marketing processes. With its robust set of features, it's an invaluable tool for any business aiming to maximise their sales and marketing performance

How can Pipedrive enhance my sales process?

Pipedrive helps streamline your sales process by providing a clear visual of your sales pipeline, robust lead management capabilities, and extensive customisation options to fit your specific business needs.

Can I customise Pipedrive according to my business needs?

Yes, Pipedrive offers extensive customisation options. You can tailor fields, activities, and pipelines to fit your unique business requirements.

Does Pipedrive offer email integration?

Absolutely! Pipedrive offers direct email integration. You can send and receive emails without leaving the Pipedrive platform.

How does Pipedrive help with lead management?

Pipedrive provides a central location for all your leads. It allows you to collect, organise, and nurture leads effectively, ensuring you never miss a potential sale.

Can I use Pipedrive for different teams or processes?

Yes, Pipedrive allows you to create custom pipelines for different processes or teams. This flexibility makes it an excellent choice for managing various aspects of your business.

One of my companies, Replicable is As a Pipedrive Premier Agency, we provide specialised and advanced support to help you get the most out of this powerful tool.

Key Features

  • Visual Sales Pipelines: Create custom pipelines for different processes or teams.
  • Lead Management: Collect, organise and nurture your leads all in one place.
  • Email Integration: Send and receive emails directly within Pipedrive.
  • Customisation: Personalise fields, pipelines, and activities to fit your business needs.

Benefits and Advantages

  • Organisation: Keep all your contacts, deals, and communication in one accessible place.
  • Transparency: Gain a clear overview of your sales pipeline for efficient forecasting and strategic planning.
  • Automation: Reduce manual tasks with Pipedrive's powerful automation features, freeing up time for selling.

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FAQ about


Ewoud's Growth Hacking sessions were invaluable, providing inspiration and practical tools that kickstarted my career. The tips were highly applicable to my job as a Growth Hacker. Even years later, I still consult Ewoud on this topic. I really enjoy working with him.

Joël Monté
Joël Monté
Growth Markteer